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Tuesday, 12 February 2013

This and that

Not much on the spanking scene the last few days.

 I missed out on a couple of interviews but did not get too down about it. My wife said she noticed how I was staying cheerful. 

I am keeping my internet spank browsing time to about 30 mins per day otherwise the time will just run away. I am also allowing myself about 30 mins a day for writing so maybe a couple of stories will come along.As there is so much self-publishing going on these days maybe there is a book inside of me that could get some money coming in?

 I know - how many author dreamers think this?

We have had a bit of snow these past few days but nothing that required getting the huskies out.

I hear that it is pretty deep snow in parts of the USA so hope you are keeping warm with a roasting.

Image from Spanking Minnesota - a nice place to visit


  1. Thanks for the update. My town had 31 inches of snow this weekend.

    Good luck with the job hunt.


    1. Hi Joey - that isn't snow it's an avalanche.
      The Brits couldn't cope with that.

  2. Michael,

    I'm honored that you choose my new blog as part of your 30 minutes of spanking related browsing;).

    Best wishes on writing and on staying upbeat while looking for a job.


    1. Thanks for that Hannah. There are some blogs that I turn to immediately and your's Joey's and Ronnie's are amongst them.

  3. Michael,

    Happy to hear your staying cheerful. They do they there is a book in all of us so who knows you should try writing one.

    Good luck on the job hunt.


    1. Hi Ronnie
      Having chance to read your blog also keeps me cheerful.


Look forward to your comments. It is nice to get feedback. I cannot reply to comments on my mobile phone so I will make a separate comment to respond to you.