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Friday 14 August 2020

Thoughts whilst inside the home


What a mess all this Covid has created. It is hard to stay sane when job loss after job loss is announced.

As for my wife and I locked in quarantine it is great we have a strong relationship.

 She is the boss and I am the submissive. It works well. No arguments here.

 Our friends would not guess the truth about our relationship. Not that we are seeing much, if anything, of our friends these days but they would not think that I am frequently laid across the back of a  chair for a good whipping and that I love that.

Nobody ever knows what really goes on in a marriage do they. 

PS - I think one of my friends suspects we are spankers but she doesn't know which one. 


  1. I often wonder whether my friends know whether I like giving and receiving spankings. I don't think they do. When they are ready to ask, I'll be there.

    In the meantime, let your friends continue to guess. It's fun!

    1. Hi CB thanks for passing by. I think we were together and my wife said something like "someone's going to get a sore bottom later" and the friend looked at her with surprise and said "really " and my wife just smiled.

    2. My wife onetim told arriving friends I’d been painting her toenails. I noticed that same shocked look.
      No idea what they discussed later! SaraE

  2. My sister in law is strict with her husband. I wonder if she spanks him for disobedience


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