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Thursday, 17 November 2016

Knowing my place

Image result for drawing london skylines

I made a pitch for some work in London the other day. The PA to the main buyer was gorgeous, in a dark suit, white blouse and heels. I followed her to his office in a mesmerised state watching her bottom roll from side to side.

It had been difficult to get this woman on side to help set up obtain the sales meeting. 

Seeing her, rather than just talking to her, gave me food for thought for the trip home on the train.

My Dominatrix explained to me that BDSM was just a form of extreme chivalry…

Of course if an eventual contract goes wrong, there might be a price to pay with her.

If you would like to read more about an office story then take a look at   Sunday Spanklet - Memory lapse a post of mine from a few years back

and then Sunday Spanklet - James is brought to account, . 

I never got round to writing a Part 3 but maybe I should.

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