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Thursday, 22 September 2016

Slideshow goes

Image result for alana blanchard lingerie

Oh dear. The guys at Blogger  are no longer offering the sidebar software that allows me to have a Slideshow of delectable images. From late September it won't be there. Shame. as it took time to set up and I like to ring the changes by having a new slideshow from time to time. I built 10 different slideshows in total. Maybe there will be an alternative but they haven't said. So until they take it down  I will change it every day..

On another topic, this woman is the model star of an airline safety film, shown on board as you buckle your seatbelt. Nice distraction and it would make you watch the video I suppose, if you are a bloke at any rate.

Image result for alana blanchard lingerie

On the other hand if you get caught at home searching for attractive models it isn't so safe, and you might find your own seat on fire.



  1. Looking for ways to replace it but looks like I would have to start a web site and link a slideshow. Tried to do a tumblr site with a slide show but it was over my head. Hey ho.


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