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Saturday 28 February 2015

In out, in out and shake it all about

Have the Google people led us on a merry dance ?

I spent ages trying to move to Wordpress, only to find that they didn't like my material and turned me down for a blog.

So then  I researched other blogging platforms and was about to try and move again, only to read now that Google are not restricting us and they just want us to be Adult, which of course we are as spankos.
OK so now I will stay put on Blogger, but at least I was incentivised to use Google Takeout and obtain a back-up file of my blogs and I will keep this back-up, up-to-date.

I did enjoy discovering some blog platforms and I found one that looks good for budding authors, without images etc. So I will give that a try and let you know if there  is anything worth reading.

I will also post all my Disciplined Behaviour  images and photos to Tumblr and get them stored out of the way, until such time  as they invent restrictions. I will let you know the Tumblr site if you just want spanking pictures.

So let us see what happens on March 23 when Google had told us to clean up our act.If I am still here on the 24th then so much the better.

Honestly what a lot of work. Those blogger teccie guys deserve a good spanking.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Abby. Nice to hear from you.
      I will add a link to your pages.

  2. I was wondering whether Wordpress was the easy answer that some people were assuming. Sounds like the answer is no.

  3. Hi Dan, I did the Google takeout and loaded up the blog contents onto the free version of Wordpress and then got a message to say that they did not like the content and would not allow any more blogging. Other people seem to have had success. Maybe it was all the images. Perhaps a paid for Wordpress would be the answer. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I am truly appreciative of all you spanking bloggers. The work you put into them is excellent. I am glad that Google has changed its policy and I agree that the folks that started this policy change in the first place deserve a very red bottom.

  5. Thanks Bax. Why not tell your story sometime. Sure it would be of interest.


Look forward to your comments. It is nice to get feedback. I cannot reply to comments on my mobile phone so I will make a separate comment to respond to you.