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Saturday, 7 September 2013

Is that it for summer?

The rains have come and there is a chill in the air.

We have not been able to get away this summer but we did have a trip to Asia earlier in the year, part work, part leisure so we cannot complain.

I have missed seeing sights such as this around the Med however. Maybe we can get back to France or Spain next year?

I was  bit stupid last night, placing a pan in the oven which had handles that would burn. The smell was quite acrid and is still hanging around the kitchen today. 

My wife chided me and asked for the punishment book so she could make an entry. This book has not seen the light of day for many weeks now. I found it easily enough and flicked through the pages as I took it downstairs. There were quite a few entries that have not been scored off.

I handed it to her and she has not given it back yet. Maybe it will come out again later this week? 

In the meantime I have yard duties to tidy up the garden so i had better get on. The bamboo in the pot is showing some small healthy green shoots on the stems.

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