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Sunday, 24 April 2022

Missing you all and TWD

Hi I hope you are all well. It’s been some time since I was blogging. I decided to clean up my act and lose the pc with all the spanking stuff. Basically my wife started to want to use my laptop from time to time when we were travelling a bit in 2021. I could see trouble ahead so I announced the untimely death of my Dell and the need to buy a new laptop. I transferred all my stuff and images and videos to a Cloud account and my old laptop was destroyed and minced up. Then I got a new phone and kept this one for my fetish viewing. This phone lives in my briefcase drawer with an impossible to crack password. So as it is difficult to type a lot on an iphone I haven’t done any blogging.

The other thing that’s taken my mind off blogging is that my wife has lost interest in sex and has no desire to get into spanking.
Hence my online silence. Anything I write about now will have to be based on historical happenings or some fiction. Maybe she will get her libido back sometime soon. 
Only time will tell. In the meantime all the instruments are gone from the blanket chest in the hall and all I can do is look longingly at the bath brush in the shower. 


  1. Sad news. I've kept checking in, for over a year. If it helps, I'm in a similar place.


    1. Hi Anon what’s your story and why Anon.

    2. Best left unanswered. But I have read religously for a LONG time.

  2. It's nice to hear from you. I'm sorry that your wife's libido isn't at the same level as it was. Perhaps that'll change or some spark will reignite it. I'm hoping.

    I haven't written about spankings for a while, mainly because I don't have anyone to give or receive one. I am also hoping that it's a phase.

    1. Hi CB I have thought about you. I tried to comment on your blog the other day. Hope you are well.

  3. When I realized my Laptop had a bulging (ha) battery, I had to work to clear everything quickly too, and take to disposal place. I’m pretty much just on phone now, too.
    Add in wife’s lack of interest in sex, and I feel we’re traveling the same path. Do like your IT approach!

  4. My wife is on medication that has totally destroyed her libido. It has been years since we were intimate.
    My bum has not been reddened for the same amount of time.
    The choice is be in a celebrate marriage with someone you love or after 20 years look for a more Domme person, and cause pain and suffering.
    This is where the sub puts his lady before his own needs.
    There is always the bathroom and and a tissue to calm the cravings


Look forward to your comments. It is nice to get feedback. I cannot reply to comments on my mobile phone so I will make a separate comment to respond to you.