Janus the magazine had a big impression on me.

Spanking stories, directoire knickers being opened to presenta bare bottom for the birch,young ladies being caned and the very occasional man over a woman's knee. I remember the letters page in particular giving great insight into spanking amongst others.
I purchased the magazine every month for the hour years I was in Scotland. I even showed issues to some of my girlfriends when I was try to encourage them to let me give them a spanking. The nice thing was you could take the last magazine purchased back to shop and get a discount on the next issue. I kept two or three of my favourites at any one time and I had to be very careful where I hid them as I moved from one accommodation to another.
I can remember at least one occasion when I think my landlady must have seen them when she was doing repairs to the house, but nothing was said. I think my face reddened when I saw her the next day.
When I moved to London the Janus magazines became a larger size and there were a lot more photos.
The price went up but it was still very affordable with the 50% refund when you took the last issue back to the shop on Old Compton Street.

Over time the price went up but satisfaction was always guaranteed. Hey ho happy days.

I also used to read Janus in the days before Internet access became generally available. The only thing I didn't like about it was that most of the letters and articles were about M/F spanking. I was always pleased when there was a letter about F/M spanking. I recall one letter (it may have been in another magazine actually) from a man who said his wife had been spanking him since before they married. At first she had spanked him with various implements, but she now only used her hand. She put him across her knee and spanked him for a while with her right hand, then reversed him and spanked him with her left hand. It seems a peculiar progression: my girlfriend spanked me with her hand to begin with and then moved on to implements.
I found magazines that were more F/m, Janus did not. The woman I married while dating found one of the magazines, I forgot to throw out. Her response was a total shock, she said let see how you would enjoy the real thing. I was over her lap, bottom bare and feeling the sting of her hand, it was when I thought she was done I felt the sting of her hairbrush. To this day, I'm spanked, not for sexual pleasure but as punishment and I do not have any regrets.
DeleteThat's very good Anonymous, it's actually just as well you forgot to throw out the magazine. If only more women would follow your wife's example! Don't nag your husband, put him over your knee and spank his bare bottom with a hairbrush so hard that he can't sit down. Males respect strict women.
I have found that the spankings relieve stress, most important that women must be in control for the marriage to work. My wife knew from the first meeting that she needed to spank me I did not. I now do as told when told I'm going to get a spanking. She treats me like a naughty little boy, pulls down my pants and underpants and over her lap I go. I recall the worse spanking I got was on a visit to her mother's. I said something that did not go over well and my wife waited until the next morning when I stepped out of the shower. Seeing the hairbrush, I pleaded, and when told what I had done, I said I was sorry. In the bedroom, she scolded me, called me a naughty little boy, and then said, my mother is going to hear your spanking, please at home, not here. Who is in charge young man, I just said you Mommie, she smiled, that is good and you will call me that when you have been a naughty little boy. A knock on the bedroom door, everything alright dear, yes Mother, please come in. My mother-in-law looked at me, her daughter sitting on the bed, the chair would be better dear and pulled the chair from the vanity table, Oh she added, let me get my large hairbrush, does wonders. Mother she said, oh you daddy got spanked and so i will just sit here and watch how you do. I put on some show and when done, was rubbing and dancing and saying I was sorry. Dear I have coffee ready, let have some coffee. To the kitchen young man, Mommie, Please no, I will be good. Wish another spanking, No Mommie, oh she said, you will get another spanking now to the kitchen. I stood facing the wall, the two talked, and when told to go to the bedroom I did. My wife scolded me, told me to get dress. The worse spanking of all, but let me make this clear, these are punishment spankings, I do not try and get spanked, but accept the spankings. Yes I call my wife Mommie at these times, but most of all I have learned that a woman is more than a wife, a sexual play item, so much more and I so much better because of my wife.
DeleteMy girlfriend does not make me call her Mommie, but when she is annoyed with me she often calls me boy. One time when we were out I made a sarcastic remark that she didn't like. Her response took me by surprise: "Don't be cheeky, boy!" And then SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Several hard smacks on my bottom in front of the passersby.