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Monday 22 July 2019

Car trip and demerits 3 and 4

“Lets go for a picnic she said.
She wants to spank you before the rest of the family arrives for the picnic.

So there it is. I was soundly thrashed with  90 strokes of the whippy cane on my second day of our holiday, all because I had created a £90 overspend on an unnecessary  hotel booking. And I enjoyed it all. I have not been caned so well in a long time.

The next day when my wife inspected my bare bottom she was very pleased with the marks and weals that the  cane had left and I was warmed throughout thinking of the pain and pleasure of the experience. I complemented her on the strokes and said that I appreciated her taking the time to discipline me. 

My wife promised me another paddling that day, as a maintenance spanking and told ,me that she was not ignoring the punishments that I needed for the other two acts of carelessness that I had showed on the drive down to Spain. 

She told me she would deal with these in due course and she was trying to think of a particularly painful way of disciplining me.

Image result for holiday spanking

To bring you up to speed. the third error I had made on the trip was to leave the hotel in Spain and not pick up the passports and money from the wall safe in the room. We had had breakfast and I was supposed to take the overnight luggage from the room to the car and to settle up the bill whilst my wife finished her coffee and read her e mails. I did both of these tasks and we set off from the hotel. 

Ten minutes later I remembered the wall safe. My wife was angry that yet again we were going to lose time and I had been stupid enough to leave valuable documents. When we got back to the hotel the manager was very helpful and went with my wife to fetch the items. We were soon back on the road but not without me having earned her extreme displeasure. 

The fourth act of carelessness was more an act of defiance, I suppose, which led to yet another demerit. 

We stopped for some lunch about 4 hours from our destination at a busy roadside restaurant. I found a parking spot in the shade offered by the metal roof structure and my wife offered to guide me in. I rather snapped at her and said I did not need help reversing and then of course I ended up backing the car into a low metal post that I had not seen. 

Result - a dent in the plastic bumper and chipped paint. Not enough to merit a repair job but visible all the same and of course totally avoidable if I had accepted my wife's help.

Lunch was a short and frosty affair. A glass of wine took the edge off her anger however and she dozed for most of the rest of the trip.


  1. It's nice to hear the ongoing details of your holiday. I can't take a holiday till later this year due to work requirements, but reading about someone else's holiday is the next best thing, especially the descriptions of your demerits and the ensuing punishments. I keep thinking about the cane hanging on the door, it must be an exciting sight!

  2. It is a sobering and yet at the same time stimulating sight and I get the start of an erection each time I hear it click-clack against the wooden door. My wife has hung the paddle in the bathroom so that reminds me to be good as well

  3. My wife spanks me, no matter where. The worse spanking I got was a visit to my mother-in-law, divorced, stern looking woman. I messed up big time, my wife had let me get away with a couple of things while visiting but this was not going to happen this time. She told her Mother we needed to talk, her mother smiled and said to wait a second she had something she's been wanting to give her daughter. When she returned it was a large paddle, I looked at it, my wife smiled, to the bedroom young man. I could be heard for miles, that paddle got my attention. I had kicked off my pants, underpants, and danced around the room. Take off the shirt she said sternly, and not wanting another spanking I did as told. She opened the door and said get to the front room, I said like this, that paddle was applied and I soon was standing before my mother-in-law, naked, rubbing. She told me to face the wall, no rubbing, or i will use the paddle. They enjoyed seeing me standing there, red bottom on display.

  4. My girlfriend and I ended under the control of her mom and we don't know how it happened. The four of us her mom and dad, me and Alice went to the beach one day. Her mom took offense to our rough housing and spank us on our bums, more than once in public with everyone looking and giggling at us. Embarrassing really


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