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Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Economy drive means no booze.

An interesting and stimulating evening last night. I got home from a day's work on a project and I found my wife in the kitchen sipping wine and looking at her laptop.

We are overspent this month, she said, and it looks to be your fault.

I didn't have much to say. I had probably gone a bit made with wine and  meals out since we got back from the holiday.

It's time we had an economy drive, she said, and a good thrashing will start things off well.

I was immediately excited at the mention of thrashing

The economy drive will consist of you not drinking alcohol for a month - that will help your fitness and weight loss and it means I can carry on with my wine consumption. It also means you can do the driving when we go out.

Yes ma'am . Thank you ma'am. 

I nodded in agreement, eager to perhaps get started with the thrashing, but not so keen on the no drinking part. 

Thank you for thinking about my health ma'am.

Oh I am always thinking about you. Now I want the weight off your body so this sobriety is a good way to start. So off you go now and you can get the cane out  and I will be upstairs soon. A few dozen strokes will take your mind off alcohol and give you something else to think about.

I made my way upstairs and had a shower and washed myself thoroughly. I popped one of my erection tablets into my mouth.

 I retrieved the cane from the drawer and went to get the chair from the guest room then waited, buck naked, for my wife to come upstairs.

Once in the bedroom she peeled off her clothes slowly in front of me and I stiffened seriously  with a little help from the tablet. 

When she was down to her bra and pants she came up behind me and rubbed herself against my naked bottom. The effect was electrifying. I pushed back and she grabbed my cock hard and began to yank it up and down. 

You're such a naughty boy she whispered in my ear. Now wait there and I will be back to deal with you.


She went into the bathroom to freshen up. The caning she gave me was a humdinger and I still had the stripes on my bottom this morning.
“double delight

Mind you, the cunnilingus I gave her was also pretty special.

A nice start to an alcohol free month.


  1. Oh that sounds like the perfect way to be motivated to lose some weight and stay sober for a month!

  2. Sounds intoxicating, although when I stop drinking I tend to eat more sugar as a life-sweetener

  3. Sounds like a great evening nothing better then going down on your beautiful lady after she is done giving you the thrashing you really need and want. I hope to get mine tonight.

  4. Great motivation. I wish you luck.



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