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Friday, 6 July 2018

FFF Week 3

Image result for weight loss cartoons

I am still working away at Fit for Friday.I managed 3 circuits and a long walk on the beach. I did not drink alcohol on every second day and the weight is off a little bit more. Still got miles to go.

I had a bit of encouragement when someone asked if I had lost weight?


  1. That is a lovely feeling - when someone notices. Good for you!!

  2. I agree with Olivia. The best compliment is when someone asks you if you've lost some weight! makes it easier to keep going.

    1. Hi Fondles
      I appreciate you stopping by and for getting me started on FFF


Look forward to your comments. It is nice to get feedback. I cannot reply to comments on my mobile phone so I will make a separate comment to respond to you.